Kirsty O'Callaghan is a professional communication and research strategist, and shines in the mentoring, coaching, and consulting space. Currently, she has the opportunity to work with an amazing team of academics to expand on her vast corporate and business experience - undertaking PhD research at the University of the Sunshine Coast. Kirsty's research topic is 'The role of gender in effective climate change communication'.
Kirsty expertly identifies current and new ways of thinking and doing, then suggests strategies to ensure your success. Having coached, mentored and supported hundreds of clients over the last couple of decades, she has proudly watched them all exceed their expectations personally and professionally. Her proven methods in relationships, resilience, communication, parenting, mindfulness and goal achievement create results – at home, at work, within families, in businesses or workplaces, improving health, moving from stuck to satisfied and realising dreams.
Consulting process:
- Meet and Discuss: During the first meeting, Kirsty will gain an understanding of your current needs, your goals, and your unique situation. She will discuss where you have come from, the struggles and wins you have experienced, and where, ideally, you want to end up. Additionally, you will learn more about the service Kirsty will be providing to you, how she works, and some actions you can take right now.
- Creating the Approach: Kirsty then develops your plan or program, with a range of recommended tactics, tools, checklists, and support implementation, achievement and measurement.
- Meet and Discuss: During the following sessions, Kirsty explains, coaches and supports you through your plan or program to make sure you achieve the results you want and need from your home to workplace. You will be inspired and motivated, have the right strategies in place, and be guided to connect with the right resources and people.
Kirsty will help you move forward or up in your life and career, help you resolve a personal or professional problem, and provide essential support if you get stuck and are not sure what the next steps are. She will get you headed in the right direction today.
Furthermore, Kirsty is an active advocate for women in business, student leader at the University of the Sunshine Coast, and has won multiple awards for her community dedication. As well as her book, Separated by Work, she has a range of written products that align with her professional services in consulting, speaking, and workshops.
Awards include:
- Queensland Resources & W.I.M.A.R.Q. Gender diversity champion 2017,
- Brisbane Women in Business Awardee of Merit for community dedication 2016,
- S.I.M.N.I. International Women’s Day Small Business Woman of the Year 2016,
- Lions Clubs International D.G’s Excellence in Service Award for outstanding community service 2015,
- Social Media Marketing Institute Best Student Social Media Campaign finalist 2019, and
- University of the Sunshine Coast, Academic Excellence Award 2020.